
My name is Ms. Teg's. I am currently your Pre-K teacher.  I love children.  I graduated from Trinity High School in Euless, Texas in 1991.  I went to Navarro College for two years and received my Associates in Psychology.  I attended Arizona State University where I received my Bachelors in Science in Speech and Hearing.  I had two children and relocated to Texas.  I raised my two children in Irving, Texas.  Now that my children are grown, I missed it: the learning, the teaching, the giggling, the tears, the love so I decided to pursue a teaching degree through Quality Act. Bringing me to current, I am currently your Pre-K teacher and loving every second of it.  Your children bring me so much joy and enrichment to my life.  We are learning so much together, and I look forward to a great and fulfilling year together!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the organization of your blog! I especially like having the TEKS on the side along with resources for students. I now want to work on my blogging skills so I can create one to share with parents next year.
